It's hard to believe Quinn was born only two months ago today. Here's a photo log of our lives since then.
Some recent movie footage of you smiling and kicking as you're going to bed.
Been smiling for less than a month now, but already seem like an old pro.
You seem to enjoy singing songs with your mom & dad - a couple of favorites are Ripple, Wishlist, and She'll be Coming around the Mountain. Hopefully your dad's singing and guitar playing will improve faster than does your ability to escape.
You also enjoy reading along with your mom. You're really focused on the book. Your dad on the other hand …
You've been hiking several times, at Middlesex Fells, and here at Estabrook near Concord, MA. You usually enjoy checking out the trees. This time you were mainly sleeping, an activity which you also enjoy a great deal.
Your grandpa is a favorite with all the kids, and you took to him right away.
We went to Preston's 1st Birthday party hosted by the Faris' just across the border in Michigan. There was kickball, baseball, jungle-gyms, remote-control cars, pizza, cake, and of course, one of our favorite pastimes …
Grandma's and Grandpa's 40th wedding anniversary celebration in Toledo.
Dude, nice job keeping up with your cousin Preston in the goofy face department.
Hey, your mom and I get to look cute sometimes too.
So much love takes a little getting used to …
They're not beating you up yet, but I have a feeling that very soon it will be on.
Your mom loves this one, thinks you look like a jaguar.
Getting a tractor ride at Nana's & Papa's in Bright, IN.
Your aunt Lisa was very excited to meet you. And she just bought a very cool house in Cincinnati.
Your aunt Vera is totally crazy about you, too!
Here you are partying it up with your uncle Paul at the Northside Tavern in Cincinnati. We've got to get you a hat like that.
Here you are at Nana's and Papa's place in Bright, IN, just coming in from playing in the pool with your mom's friend Robin and her kids Madelyn and Jackson.
You and Uncle Craig in a relaxation contest. You may have met your match here. Notice that your stiff-arm doesn't even phase him.
Your cousin Jade is so nice and sweet with you …
Uncle Craig and Aunt Lisa at Grandma's & Grandpa's in Bright, IN.
Your cousin Brody was very impressed with how big his own hands and feet were after looking at yours.
Doesn't get much cuter than your cousin Brooke holding you …
Your aunt Beth was so excited to see you after getting back from Venezuela. I think we all had a few drinks that day, yourself included.
Coming back from the beach at Fire Island, NY with Dierdre, Allison, Mom, and one of th e locals.
Meditating in your Buckeye gear with Mom's friend Kate
A first dip in the ocean - Jenness Beach, NH.
Warm and dry back on the beach.
First hiking trip - Middlesex Fells
Meeting Nana and Papa for the first time. Boy, were they excited!
Your Papa loves you very much.
My personal favorite, this could be the permanent wallpaper on my cell phone.
Your mom can't get enough of you.
Your aunts Tara and Denise came to visit when you were 3 days old.
This was your hungry face. Notice the little bump under your tongue - a clogged salivary duct common for babies. Went away after a couple of days.
Most people have been saying that you look more like your dad, but I'm not so sure …
I think this was your first walk around the neighborhood.
You developed an early talent for hand expressions.
Grandpa was there to help take care of you from the start.
Russ and Tracy couldn't wait to meet you. Too bad we don't have any photos of you and Ruby.
Your Grandma helped in your delivery and in taking care of you during your first couple of days.
You were a big hit with the ladies from the beginning.
The day you were born was so amazing! Hard to put in words.
There you are weighing in, still sporting some of the purple color and cone head you had when you arrived.
Doesn't your mom look beautiful after 16 hours of labor?
Your mom liked to play with the football during labor.
Here you were a few weeks before launch.
At the beginning of the journey, here's your mom showing off what back then seemed like a huge belly.